Wellbeing for Entrepreneurs Event | Brussels, Belgium May 2023
Few entrepreneurs find the right balance between work, life and mental wellbeing. Are you one of these? Do you want to be? This was the message to attendees of our one day event where we revealed the diversity of tools and techniques that we have researched and created over the last 18 months, to help (aspiring) entrepreneurs to manage, understand and improve their mental wellbeing.
To start the day, Ronald Provoost, (founder of H3ROES) shared his thoughts about balancing between work and social life. He gave attendees some insights on how he found the right balance between economic value and social value in his company. This was followed by a Carousel of Workshops on our toolkit topics of Resilience |Reading the Signs |Time Management | Reflection | Networking | Mental Well-being introducing guests to the Learning Platform, toolkits and teaching cases developed through the project.

Resilience Workshop | Tallinn, Estonia May 2022
Do you struggle with work-life balance as an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs were invited to join a FREE workshop in Tallinn on May 20th and receive tips and strategies from fellow international entrepreneurs and mental health experts from Triumf Health! Registration is now closed as the event has happened. Registration was available through the following link.👉 bit.ly/entre-mwb
This video was produced to promote our Resilience Workshop held in Tallinn Estonia on 20th May 2022. The event was held at the University of Tallinn in collaboration with Trimupf Health as part of our Erasmus Project EntreMWB which is looking at the link between mental wellbeing and Entrepreneurship and how to support mental well being of entrepreneurs. Attendees were introduced to technics for building resilience, received tips from entrepreneurs and psychologist. An opportunity to share experiences and network with peers.
Student Resilience Workshop | Namur, Belgium
March 2022
Through our membership of the Businet network and the Health and Social Matters Working Group we were invited to take part in the Busiskills first Face to Face Blended Intensive Programme since the pandemic.

A workshop was delivered to students studying a range of Higher Education programmes from 7 different countries. The workshop looked at ways that students can build their resilience, helped them to explore strategies for coping with stressful situations and life events and to maintain a healthy Work Life Balance (and even challenged if that was truly possible). The students enjoyed gaining an in insight into the EntreMWB project and the materials being created and enjoyed the session so much that we have been invited back to present again in March 2023.

Mental Well-Being and Burnout prevention for Entrepreneurs |
June 2021
How to maintain balance and strengthen vitality in challenging times.
As engaged and passionate entrepreneurs, we often push our limits. The entrepreneurial work setting is complex, intense, uncertain and demanding.
Long working days and the divergent responsibilities that come with an own business, eventually put strains on our psychological and emotional wellbeing. Stress, anxiety, depression and burnout syndrome are more common among entrepreneurs.
Leading on from our survey of entrepreneurs we hosted a live webinar event on 29th June 2021 to look at the specific ways in which entrepreneurship can affect mental health and how to recognise and how they might be prevented. The webinar included workshops and focus groups to identify the needs of entrepreneurs that lead to the final output of support and learning materials.
The online event was organised by the Erasmus+ ENTRE MWB team with short keynotes of several speakers to give entrepreneurs new insights.
The event was targeted towards:
- entrepreneurs from all sectors
- small businesses and companies
- sole traders and start-ups
- social entrepreneurs
Karel Van den Eynde (°1962)
Has a long experience in social services to entrepreneurs, as a consultant and manager. He is currently manager of public affairs at Liantis, the HR services group affiliated with UNIZO, the largest organisation of entrepreneurs in Belgium.
He will give a presentation on "The resilient entrepreneur", a recent research project on prevention of stress and burnout for self-employed entrepreneurs.Type the text here
Märt Aro
Since 2004, Märt has established numerous organisations and companies in the area of education development. Märt is serving as Chairman of the Board at NGO Nordic EdTech Forum - N8 that brings together 180 founders of education innovation initiatives from eight Northern European countries with the aim of sharing experience and fostering cooperation. He is a Co Founder of Dream Apply a student application management system. In order to drive education forward Märt regularly collaborates with: United Nations, European Union, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, People-Centered Internet, and many others. Märt will share his experiences of working in cooperation with the Ministry of Social affairs in Estonia to try to support people with mental challenges.
Dr. Jessica Nooij
Senior Beleidsonderzoeker/ Data-Scientist | Institutional Research | Leer- en Innovatiecentrum | Avans Hogeschool
Jessica Nooij, is senior researcher at the department of Institutional Research, part of the Expert Center for Learning and Innovation at Avans, and has a PhD in sociology and behavioral psychology. She has broad experience in applied research and developing knowledge and data-based interventions for students in higher education. Nooij has broad experience in leading applied research projects and translating the outcomes into effective tools for enhancing the quality of higher education on different levels.
Recently she conducted extensive research on well-being policies for students. She is project leader of a scientifically based tool that helps students to track and reflect on their own well-being in relation to their study. In this presentation, she will introduce this monitoring tool and the underlying psychological concepts and ideas. She hopes to be able to implement the tool on an institutional level after the summer and that Avans therewith succeeds to better prepare students to adapt to the challenges of more flexible forms of teaching in the future, and to deal with the major transitional changes they experience as a young adult.
Dr Jacqui Taylor
In an increasingly chaotic and disruptive world of technology Dr Jacqui Taylor is a top 10 global Internet of Things innovator, she doesn’t just predict the future she engineers it. She has positively impacted the lives of over 1/2 of the world’s population and is supporting over 110 million entrepreneurs in 170 countries to unlock the Empathy Economy. She is an Expert Advisor to the G20, United Nations and European Commission and has created the Future Digital Economy plans for 180 nations. As the co-founder of the datajournalism industry 34 million citizens globally collaborate in her cutting edge research to support her work as the world’s first Smart City Tsar. She created the Empathy Economy Online to share her G20 global plan with entrepreneurs via a unique membership offering. The membership will give entrepreneurs access to Jacqui, and resources to meet the challenges of the move from the Sharing Economy. She is committed to supporting 1 million entrepreneurs to grow their businesses in the Empathy Economy, the future for all our businesses.
Dr Jacqui’s talk will be about the changes I needed to make to support my own mental well-being which have resulted in the creation of the Empathy Economy Online to share her G20 global plan with entrepreneurs via a unique membership offering. The membership will give entrepreneurs access to Jacqui, and resources to meet the challenges of the move from the Sharing Economy which she developed to support her own mental health during the pandemic. She is committed to supporting 1 million entrepreneurs to grow their businesses in the Empathy Economy, the future for all our businesses.
Student Well-being Workshop | Namur, Belgium
March 2023
Following the sucessful workshop on Resilience in Namur in 2022 during the first face to face Blended Intensive Programme since the pandemic, the EntreMWB team were invted back to deliver a second workshop during the Spring Edition of the Wellbeing@Work BIP hosted by Henalux University in Namur, Belgium.
Students from Portugal, Romania, Finland, Belgium and Germany took part in the Well-being workshop which encouraged them to draw on their experience to develop and build resilience and to consider what consitutues mental well-being and how to maintain a balance in their working life. Feedback from students about the project was extremely positive. Below are some of the learnings and images from the workshop.