National 3D Printing Society | Teaching Case
This teaching case concerns a social enterprise working in the field of additive manufacturing. The case is set during the Covid-19 pandemic and considers the many problems faced during that time. The case links directly to Mental Wellbeing; Resilience; Self Reflection Toolkits.
Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.
In this teaching case the social enterprise N3DPS, the National 3D Printing Society is introduced. Their struggle is to be resilient in the changing environment with unpredictable challenges due to Covid-19. The Covid-19 crisis resulted in N3DPS rapidly moving away from its original purpose and creating an entity without a shared mission and strategy.
How should an organisation, such as a social enterprise, respond to a 'Black Swan Event? Learn more in this teaching case!
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